60分 授業料:8,800円/月 教材費:4,400円~
※月会費 550円(別途)
※入会金 5,500円
60分 授業料:6,600円/回
※月会費 550円(別途)
※入会金 5,500円
Our Goal
Phase 3
Having Real Conversations
In the third and final phase, students will practice real conversations and develop their ability to express themselves in English. Students will achieve fluency at the completion of phase three. This is the completion of the tower.
Phase 2
Developing A Deeper Understanding
Students will start to dissect English to get a deeper meaning. Students will translate and study grammar. This step is crucial for students to be able to have a real conversation. This is the body of the tower.
Phase 1
Learning Fundamentals
This phase builds the foundation of the student's English. Students will learn how to read and write. They will develop their ear for English and finally they will practice speaking with authentic pronunciation. This is the base of the tower.